Ahoj, jsem Shari!

Během několika posledních let a po napsání dvaceti pěti romantických románů jsem našel hlubokou vášeň pro historii, konkrétně pro druhou světovou válku. Po vdechnutí života seriálu Last Words jsem se rozhodl, že „minulost“ je místo, kde musím být.


Pokud se vám seriál Poslední slova líbil, nezapomeňte se podívat na film Last One Home, který vyšel 22. března 2021. Tato kniha se zaměřuje na židovskou americkou sestru, která přežila šance na Pearl Harbor a druhou světovou válku. V době, kdy ženy nebyly považovány za rovnocenné, jsem měl silnou touhu upozornit na ženy, které se během té doby změnily.


Podepsal jsem knižní smlouvu s Bookouture of Little, Brown / Hachette UK na napsání dvou beletristických románů druhé světové války založených na skutečných výskytech holocaustu. Nechte oči pro další informace první kniha: Tajemství v podkroví, která vyšla letos na podzim.

Vybrané tituly

Příběhy o přežití holocaustu - fikce založená na skutečných životních událostech



A new Historical Fiction novel called The family Behind the Walls by Shari J Ryan
Podle Shari J. Ryan 27. ledna 2025
The Family Behind the Walls: Absolutely heartbreaking and gripping World War Two fiction- My great-grandfather was murdered in a gas chamber upon arrival at Auschwitz. He died from Zyklon B poisoning. His body was thrown into a pile with countless others and taken to the crematorium, where all that remained of him was reduced to ash. Why? Because he was Jewish. A question has haunted me as I grew up and tried to piece together my family’s history: What was it all for? This question became the driving force behind my writing of The Family Behind the Walls. I wondered if, by the end of the story, I might find an answer. And I did.
Podle Shari J. Ryan 23. září 2024
My best friend disappeared twenty years ago. I thought she was dead. But today I’ve received a message that makes my heart stop. It says it’s from Izzy. And she’s blaming my new husband for her disappearance… I stare at the email in horror. I’ve only just managed to put what happened to Izzy behind me. My life is so different now. I have two perfect children, and the perfect husband at last. “I couldn’t just say nothing. You remember I was being stalked? My stalker is your husband. You're in danger. Run.” My blood turns to ice as I look up at my charming, caring husband. Is this some kind of joke? Griffin is kind, he's safe. But as he smiles at me, the doubt starts to creep in. The way he always asks me about my childhood, pressing for information about my friends. The way he always wants to know where I am… I thought my best friend was dead. I thought her stalker killed her. If the email isn’t really from Izzy, then who sent it—and what do they want from my family? But if it is, am I living with the man I’ve feared for twenty years? And if he can’t hurt Izzy, will he settle for me instead—or worse, my children…?
The Nurse Behind the Gates by Shari J. Ryan - New Release
Podle Shari J. Ryan 20. května 2024
To immerse yourself within the unimaginable world of being Jewish during WWII in Europe
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