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in an ARC?

ARC stands for Advance Reader Copy.

This is a copy that is distributed to reviewers ahead of the release date to help authors garner reviews and excitement for the new book!

Do you enjoy reading?

Do you mind leaving honest feedback or a rating after you've read a book?

If you enjoy the book, would you help spread the word on your social media platforms?

If you answered yes to all of these questions, you will be a great fit for my ARC team.

I typically release every 3-4 months and there is always a work in progress that I love to chat about with the ARC team.

I won't ever ask for commitment to every book I write, only to the books you request to read as an ARC.

If you receive an ARC, I only ask that you leave feedback or a rating in exchange on appropriate book distribution platforms.

If you are the sharing type, word of mouth is the biggest and best way to help an author share the news of their new book.

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